

Snog for Sommer

First, welcome to the SNOG FOR SUMMER. Thank you to all who organized such a wonderful event. Follow the HOP here:
Unfortunately I can't post the graphic for the hop (boo! hiss!) but I can tell a bit about my experience with Sommer before I share my snog. Make sure to read on for my CONTEST at the end of this post!

A few years ago, I shared on Twitter my love of flamingoes. Out of nowhere, the lovely Sommer asked for my mailing address and one day, I opened up my mail to an adorable flamingo replica that I still have. She is just that sweet. So when I heard of this hop, I knew I had to join in. Go buy her books - they're awesome - and support an incredible cause that benefits a woman and her family who have done so much for so many. :)

And onto my snog...from my recent release PROVING HIS WORTH, Deuces Wild #3.

AMAZON buy link:

Sterling leaned in, so close that his minty breath fluttered over Angelina's cheek. “May I kiss you?”
In spite of how absolutely flummoxed he made her, the question coaxed out a smile. “You’re the only one who has ever asked. Most just take.” When he remained still, she nodded. “Yes. Please.” Please.
His eyes open and intent, he pressed his mouth gently to hers. She trembled and he reached up with his cool, wet fingers to cup her other cheek. He slid his thumb along the seam of her mouth until it parted enough for him to slip his tongue along the edge of her teeth. Easing his finger away, he forged deeper, slanting his head, exploring her as if she was the most fascinating creature he’d ever encountered.
One kiss bled into the next. He sipped from her, drawing on her air and her flesh and imprinting her with the brand of his mouth. He dropped kisses at the corners of her lips, on her chin, along her jaw. Their mutual hunger flared to life, as palpable as his palms on her skin, and she arched toward him, needing more. He caressed her with such care, and she reveled in it, because it was new. Because it was Sterling, finally.
All the while, he watched her, silently gauging her reaction. Water flowed into the sink from the running faucet, splashing her arm, yet she stared into his dark, vast pupils as if he held the answer to every question she’d never thought to ask. And he fed her his breath in a shuddery stream that told her he was every bit as excited as she was, maybe even as awed and scared.
So fucking scared.
Ang jerked back, breaking the trance. She slammed off the faucet and tried to regain her equilibrium even as his hand pressed to the base of her spine to offer her support. She sagged against him, only now realizing she’d barely even kissed him back during his sensual onslaught. All she’d done was take and take and take. Greedily.
So much for rocking his world. He’d grabbed hers and shaken it like a snow globe. She hadn’t stopped spinning yet.
She shut her eyes at his hand gliding up her back, silently soothing. “If you don’t have any antibacterial cream, peroxide would work too.”
Nice segue, McFee.
But he didn’t bite. “You continually surprise me.” Crushed gravel lined his tone, sharp little rocks that rubbed wicked welts over her skin.
She shot him a look under her lashes, still breathing too fast. “Because I can’t kiss for shit?”
His smile verged on a smirk. “Funny, I thought you did just fine.”

WHEW! Contest time! For a chance to win an ebook copy of the first two ebooks in another snog-ilicious series of mine, the Lost in Oblivion rock star series co-written with Taryn Elliott, just leave a comment telling me what your favorite kind of hero is - cowboy, CEO-type, rock star, etc. - AND sign up for the Lost in Oblivion newsletter HERE: It's chock full of yummy rock star book releases and lots of other fun.

And make sure to SNOG FOR SOMMER! :)


Welcome to the Valentine's Day Blog Hop!

Welcome to the Valentine's Day Blog Hop hosted by the awesome Skye Warren and featuring an amazing array of prizes! Visit to see what's up for grabs since alas, Blogger isn't letting me share any graphics right now! :(

I wanted to share my new NA MMA contemporary romance release, SHADOWBOXER, book 1 in the Tapped Out series, because it just released last week and occurs this time of year.  Mia and Tray share lots of first in Shadowboxer, namely first love. And first alley sex. Oops, did I say that out loud?

And SHADOWBOXER's ONLY 99 CENTS this week before the price rises to $3.79!

AMAZON buy link:


In honor of Shadowboxer's release, I'm giving away a SIGNED COPY, some fun swag and a $10.00 iTunes gift card! All you have to do is keep hopping and answer this question: Do you like sports romances? If so, which ones are your favorite? That's it! I'll choose a winner early next week, so PLEASE leave your email address so I can contact you.

ALSO - I'll be sending out the next issue of my brand new newsletter this week, so if you'd like to join, just enter your email address in the box on the sidebar. I share lots of fun book news and there's a contest in every issue!

Keep hopping! :)



January 14 is an incredible day. Not only is it Lexxie Couper's brother's birthday, it is the release day of three scorching hot erotic romances from three scorching hot erotic romance authors (yes, we do think we are scorching hot *grin*). To celebrate the release of Protecting His Assests, XXXXXX and Lead Me On, Cari, Carrie Ann and Lexxie are hosting a Facebook event AAAAAND giving away a BRAND NEW Kindle! How do you win such a briliant prize. Click on the Rafflecopter below for instructions. Oh and see these sexy images here on this post? They are really really really important :)

RP Hidden Destiny Blurb [Lexi]

RP Hidden Destiny Quotes [Crush]

RP Hidden Destiny Blurb [North]

Protecting His Assets (One).001

Protecting His Assets (Two).001

Protecting His Assets (Three).001

Countdown LMO 5.001

Lead Me On Thingy.001

Countdown To LMO 2.001

So come play with us on Facebook (here's the link to the event) and click on the Rafflecopter below to find out how to win the Kindle. a Rafflecopter giveaway
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