

On the 4th Day of Christmas...CONTEST!

Welcome to those of you that found your way here from my post at the HEA blog. Sorry my post is up's been one of those days!

Charlie Brown and Snoopy are enduring favorites from my childhood. Some might even say I have an unnatural love of all things Snoopy-related, though I would argue vigorously with those people. At both Halloween and Christmas, I tune in to watch the Charlie Brown specials on TV, though I've seen each hundreds of times. The added bonus of the Christmas special is that it usually falls near my birthday, so I also associate it with that.

Charlie Brown's Christmas special brings with it the iconic image of that small, sparse tree that's barely hardy enough to hold a few ornaments. A co-worker at my old job had one he brought in every year and it was always good for a few laughs. Add in the caroling and the Christmas play, and A Charlie Brown Christmas truly is a feel-good relic of the past that is still relevant and appreciated today.

I'll admit to being a sucker for Christmas stories, both in books and in movies. That's part of the reason I chose to write my upcoming holiday release, No Romance Required, book three in the Love Required series, coming this winter from Entangled Publishing. I don't have a cover to show off yet, but I've seen the mock-up and whew! *fans face*

Christmas was the perfect backdrop for No Romance Required because the heroine, Vicky, experienced some traumatic events in her life around the holidays and they've colored her life ever since. Add in a sometimes Scrooge-y hero, Cory, who actually loves Christmas, and lots of sparks and voila, you definitely have the makings of a holiday to remember!

Since I can't show off the blurb yet for No Romance Required, check out the blurb and excerpt for book two, No Flowers Required.

Today I'm giving away four Christmas goodies, including one featuring Snoopy!

So, readers, what's your favorite Christmas special?
(PLEASE leave your email address or way to contact you if you're the winner!)

(All of the 12 Days of Christmas giveaways go through midnight ET Sunday, Nov. 25. Winners will be announced on Monday, Nov. 26.) 

 And be sure to come back to HEA every day this week (and beyond) to catch posts and giveaways by your favorite authors.

Visit the HEA Blog here. Up next: K.A. Mitchell.

First Day of Christmas: Molly O'Keefe shares a memory
Second Day of Christmas: Robyn Carr loves 'It's a Wonderful Life'
Third Day of Christmas: Leah Braemel inspired by 'The Gift of the Magi'


Anonymous said...

While I love It's a Wonderful Life, it just isn't Christmas without A Charlie Brown Christmas, although A Christmas Carol is right up there.

Jennifer Mathis said...

I love christmas shows and I admit i start watching them early . I never miss The polar Express or the How the grinch stole christmas . My mom had the foresight to record all the christmas cartoons I watched as a child so I break out the vhs' and get to watch the smurfs christmas every year too

Natasha said...

My favorite is A Charlie Brown Christmas. Thanks for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

Alicia said...

I love How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Santa Clause. I think that they are getting better at making Christmas movies now days, Polar Express was really good and there was something about the little worker elves a while ago that was very funny.

It's been a while since I saw the Charlie Brown ones, maybe I should do that this year :).

Thanks for having the giveaway!

dmr8888 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I agree that it isn't the Holidays without seeing A Charlie Brown's Christmas, but lately I've been enjoying the musical specials like the Manheim Steamroller, or anything with an orchestal type of show that gives the true meaning of Christmas, instead of doing all that "fluff." It is, after all, the "reason of the season," as they say.

becky jean said...

A Christmas Story!!!! Thnx for the contest :)

molly.frenzel said...

My absolute favorite christmas special is National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. I watch it every year and it still cracks me up.
molly dot frenzel at gmail dot com

Nae said...

I have a couple of Christmas fav's, A Miricle on 34th Street, the Home Alone movies and The Santa Claus with Tim Allen.
I know, right. :)

Nae said...

oops my email is

Kassandra said...

Watching the movie The Christmas Story is tradition in our household. It just doesn't feel festive without it on the screen ;)


Beckey said...

My favorite Christmas show is more a movie that was adapted from a book...
The Polar Express


Following Via Email (may be GFC, not sure since I get an email...)

Jyl22075 said...

My favorite Christmas special is one that I loved as a kid. They don't show it anymore on TV, but I have it on DVD. It's the Garfield Christmas. I still get the DVD out every year to watch it.

Jyl22075 at gmail dot com

Jansen Garland said...

I LOVE National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation! I actually watch it year round!

Unknown said...

I have a few Christmas specials that I love to watch. My absolute favorite is Emmitt Otter Christmas. I also love the Mrs. Miracle shows.
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

June M. said...

I love the Charlie Brown Christmas and How the Grinch Stole Christmas shows. As for movies, I love the Santa Clause trilogy with Tim Allen :)

pc said...

Love The Year Without Santa Claus and A Charlie Brown Christmas!

Juliana said...

I love A Charlie Brown Christmas! The sad Christmas tree always makes me cry...
OceanAkers @

JoAnna said...
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JoAnna said...

I love the Santa Claus movies and the Polar Express. Love watching ABC Family's 25 days of Christmas. My daughter already wants to start listening to Christmas music. :)

beckerjo at verizon dot net

Di said...

Hallmark has a lot of wonderful Christmas movies & they make more every year - on of the newer ones has a soldier looking for the person who had sent a Christmas Card the year before - of course it ends up in a romance.
sallans d at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I love White Christmas. Got to be my alltime favorite

Catherine Lee said...

My favorite Christmas special is The Bishop's Wife (with Cary Grant). I also like A Holiday Affair (with Robert Mitchum).
catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

Jo said...

I like the newer ones that Disney and Pixar have been putting out with the shorts from Shrek, Monsters vs. Aliens, etc.

jochibi AT yahoo DOT com

QuenKne said...

My favorite Christmas special is "Polar Express".

Elaine G said...

I love A Christmas Story. I watch it alot during the holidays. As for cartoon's I like A Charlie Brown's Christmas

Unknown said...

My favorites are How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Rudolph! I've been watching both every year since I was a kid, and it brings back such great memories!

Thanks for the giveaway!!!!

LSUReader said...

I've always loved Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Give me the Island of Mistfit Toys and singing by Burl Ives any day (of Christmas.) Thanks for the giveaway.

Ann S. said...

I adore A Charlie Brown Christmas, it is my all time favorite. I live near the Shultz Museum and visit often. I also read a Charlie Brown Christmas every 4th of July, silly I know. I was terrified of the fireworks that all the neighborhood families set off. Snoopy and the gang kept me company until it was over.


vivaciousgold said...

A christmas story- love the scene of the BB gun (

Marianne said...

I cannot have Christmas without watching It's a Wonderful Life (and it has to be the B&W version).

Joy said...

I have to see Charlie Brown and Frosty every year.

Shadow said...

I love the movie A Christmas Story. Its so cute! :D Love the characters. lol Thanks!

AquarianDancer said...

I love A Christmas Carol. The original movie, not the Muppets or the animated version.

AquarianDancer at gmail dot com

Bonita62 said...
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Bonita62 said...
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Bonita62 said...
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Bonita62 said...

I love "Miracle on 34th Street". I watch every year with family. I also look forward to music specials. Blake Shelton is has one December 3rd previewing songs from his new Christmas cd. I am looking forward to seeing this since he my favorite country music star. I love much about Christmas!!

Unknown said...

Hi Cari! As a child, one of my favorite Christmas specials was, Charlie Brown's Christmas. Loved all things Charlie Brown. As an adult, I can't think of any Christmas specials. Now if we're talking movies, then it would have to be "It's a Wonderful Life!" Thank you for sharing your new book. Can't wait to read. :D

Unknown said...

Hi again. Just realized, I didn't leave an email address.

jukyjoauka (at) aol (dot) com

flip said...

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas are still favorites.

flip at ida dot net

bn100 said...

I like It's a Wonderful life.


JanD said...

I like A Christmas Story
bituin76 at hotmail dot com