

Bewitching Trick or Treat Blog Hop Oct 28-31!

Yay, it's almost time for Halloween! Halloween is my favorite holiday and has been since childhood. So crank up some Thriller, grab a glass of chilled cider and find your e-reader. It's time to PARTY!

First, I'd like to thank the most awesome Drea Becraft for organizing such an AMAZING blog hop!

Since I'm currently on deadline, this is going to be the easiest contest ever to enter. There will be prizes given to TWO winners. Winners will be announced in the next week to ten days after the contest ends, depending on when my mental fog from my writing spree clears.

What can you win? ONE randomly chosen commenter will win an ebook copy of my recent Halloween-themed erotic contemporary novella, Bad Kitty. ANOTHER randomly chosen commenter will win an ebook copy of Bad Kitty PLUS a $10.00 e-giftcard to either Amazon or Barnes and Noble, winner's choice. (Curious to see if you'd like to read Bad Kitty? Just head to my website:

All you have to do to enter is:

- Become a follower of the blog (I hold frequent contests and post author interviews so hopefully you'll enjoy yourself!)

- Leave a comment telling me who you will be spending Halloween with - or who you WISH you were spending Halloween with! Easy peasy!

Now go forth and comment...and click on the graphic to check out all the rest of the amazing blogs participating in the blog hop! HAPPY HALLOWEEN and good luck!


jaymzangel said...

sadly, I will be spending my Halloween in Elementary Algebra class =P I'd much rather be elbow deep in a plastic pumpkin full of candy surrounded by my favorite TV vampires (Eric Northman, Spike, Angel, Damon, etc.) the list goes on forever!

Lisa said...

My Halloween will be very quiet. Spent with hubby, MIL, & my children. They are not fond of costumes, so we just hang out at home. I think Hogwarts might be an interesting place to visit on All Hallows Eve

Unknown said...

I will be spending Halloween with my hubby. First one together ever. We're doing nothing! Thanks for the fun.

Eva's Flowers said...

I will be spending it with my sisters, taking my nieces out trick-or treating, it's always fun to see their little faces when they see all othe other kids dressed up too :)


Amber said...

I will be spending Halloween with my mother and sister's, eating candy and watching movies.

maldivianbookreviewer said...

We don't celebrate Halloween over here in the Maldives.
And I have already read Bad Kitty, thanks to the awesome Cari.
But, I would really love to win the $10 gift certificate ;)

Heather in FL said...

I'll be taking my boys around the neighborhood! Nothing super fun, but they have fun, so that's what matters.

I would LOVE to have Bad Kitty! I haven't bought it yet, but it's on my list. I hope I win. :-)

hskflorida at gmail dot com

trinity said...

Most likely I will be spending Halloween by myself, kids will be out doing their thing husband is usually in bed by 7 no matter what night. Fun not!
Anyway would love to read your new book!
Trinity Blacio

Lynn Chantale said...

Hi Cari, good luck with writing. I will be spending my Halloween with my family. I love the holiday and we'll be trick or treating. Don't tell anybody I'm too old to trick or treat.

Lelani Black said...

Happy Halloween, Cari! I've already got Bad Kitty on my e-reader. That is a great cover. Congratulations :)

Anonymous said...

Love your site! And your post :P I hope you have a great Halloween :P

Unknown said...

I will be spending Halloween with my dog, but I wish I could spend it with my nieces, who live 8 hrs away & I don't get to see as often as I want to.

Bad Kitty sounds fantastic.

drainbamaged.gyzmo at

Nay Nay said...

I will be spending Halloween with my hubby and my BFF. We are starting an annual Halloween night of scary movies, and junk food.

I already follow your blog. GFC Name: Nay Nay

Having a blast hopping with you! It’s great finding new authors and books to add to my wish list. <^_^>

Thank you for being part of the hop AND for the chance to win!

reneebennett35 at yahoo dot com

Andrea said...

My youngest daughter and I are going to a party.

Jennifer Mathis said...

i will be spending halloween with my kids ( scaring the crap out of them and i guess that who i would like to be spend it with mwhahahah

JeanMP said...

Will be spending Halloween with my husband handing out candy to the kids.
Old GFC follower JeanP

skpetal AT hotmail DOT com

Elaine G said...

I will be alone on Halloween.I wish I was with my nephew going trick or treating with him.
I am a follower

E. Jamie said...

I'll be working! Blech! That's why I won't be spending it with Gerard Butler. (winks)

Unknown said...

I will be spending Halloween with my husband and little zombies.

I am following via GFC

Cathy M said...

Me and my hubby will be curled up on the couch watching a movie (as yet undetermined).

gfc follower
cathy m
caity_mack at yahoo dot com

Happy Halloween Everyone

mnjcarter said...

GFC follower Missy

I will be spending Halloween making up the kids for trick or treating, handing out candy, and then going through the kids candy!

This may sound evil, but I can't wait for the day the kids are out of the house, and my hubby and I can just be alone. I'm going to shut the lights off and not answer the door. That really sounds bad, doesn't it? Oh, well 16 years of making up kids might do that to a person. (Only 1 year and the youngest will be too old to trick or treat) Yeaa for mom!

Jennifer S said...

I will be spending Halloween with the cutest lil goblins in the world, taking them trick or treating.

Thanks so much for the chance to win (at)

books4me said...

My daughter hasn't decided if this year or next year will be her last year of trick or treating. For sure, I will be watching Ghost Hunters Live and answer the door if any kids come past (3 last year and all were siblings!

books4me67 at

Joanne said...

I will be spending Halloween with my sister and my two nephews. Thanks for the contest.

Bookwyrm369 said...

I'll be spending Halloween watching scary movies and reading scary stories :-)

smaccall AT

Julianne said...

I'll be spending Halloween visiting more authors on the blog hop. But as fun as that will be, it would be a dream to spend Halloween with Orlando Bloom. *dreamy eyes*

Charity Parkerson said...

I will be spending Halloween taking my kiddos trick-or-treating. I dread the day that they are too big to go

Rae M. said...

Well I'll be at home passing out candy and hanging out trying to get my sister to watch some scary movies. And I have my work cut out for me with that!


lily sawyer said...

I'll be spending it here giving treats to all the trick or treaters, I am a judge for our community decorating contest. There are a few neighbors who really did it up big.

I am planning on dressing up at the Joker (big Heath Ledger fan, despite what happened to him)

please enter me in your contest

geschumann said...

I'm spending it with my family. We usually do with extended family, but not this year. Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC - Gloria

geschumann at live dot com

Unknown said...

I'll be spending Halloween with my neighbor taking the kids trick or treating....yeah!!!
I wish I were spending it with my hubby whom I haven't seen in 2 months because of his work, but his is in VA and I'm in CO...maybe for Christmas :0)

Thanks for the chance to win

June M. said...

I will be spending Halloween curled up with a good vampire story. I would love to spend it with a tall, dark, handsome vampire but have not found any yet, lol.
already a follower: June M.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

Shadow said...

Happy Halloween! Ill be spending my Halloween with my family. We're going to have lots of fun! :) Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
gfc- shadow_kohler

Harlie Williams said...

I already follow you and today will be spent getting Brian's cast off his arm. So excited and then a party for him tonight.

Fedora said...

Already a follower and I'll be spending tonight with my family, whether we're out begging for treats or handing them out ;)

f dot chen at comcast dot net

leisaprater said...

I wish a really hot guy but it will be my shih-tzu Jessie and American Horror Story and Ghost Hunters on TV

jessica said...

I'm an old GFC follower. I'm spending Halloween with family and pets. I wish that I was spending it with more a boyfriend but I don't have one and family means everything to me.
jessangil at gmail dot com
-Jessica B

Barbara said...

Hi, Cari! I'll be spending Halloween at home with the hubby, the cat and the trick-or-treaters.

New GFC follower-Barbara

desitheblonde said...

i am home sick and doing the blogs and hopping to win

Anonymous said...

Oh my god... That was... *drools*

kog said...

I've added your blog to my google reader page! Woot!

I spent my Halloween with my husband, kids and mother. A family night of trick or treating, laughter and only a small meltdown.

JoAnna said...

I spent Halloween with my family or at least most of my family. My oldest went out trick or treating with her friends.

SoFloMia said...

I'll be spending my Halloween with my two children watching a monster movie (Cloverfield) and after they go to be reading your book Insatiable!

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