


I'm behind as usual with announcing these, but rest assured I'll be sending out prizes in the next few days! Congrats to all the winners and thank you so much for your participation! Look for more great giveaways and events coming soon!

The winner of Jennifer Probst's giveaway is Sharon! Jennifer, Sharon will be sending you your copy of THE MARRIAGE BARGAIN soon (if she hasn't already!)

The winners of the HOPPY EASTER bloghop are:
$5.00 Amazon/Barnes & Noble gift card - JessS (jessicamariesutton(at)msn(dot)com)
One backlist ebook - Rae M (rae.gwendy(at)gmail(dot)com)
One backlist ebook - seriousreader (seriousreader (at) live (dot) com)

The winners of CARRIE RYAN'S birthday bloghop are:
Kindle Touch (from my blog, YAY!) - Teri Matlock
$60 Amazon gift card (from Jessica Subject's blog) - Lisa Walker

$5.00 Amazon/Barnes & Noble gift card - Kay (sumopalk (at) gmail (dot) com)
One backlist ebook - Gena Robertson (robertsongena (at) hotmail (dot) com)
One backlist ebook - Mel B (bournmelissa (at) hotmail (dot) com)

1 comment:

Tina B said...

Congrats to all of the winners! :)