

Goals for week ending 2/1

Another 5 pages of VT written today. Can I say how happy I'll be to be done with this story, no matter how much I love Kiki and Vincent? But they need to find their way into the world now and leave me alone. ;)

Goals for the week -

- Finish VT synopsis, so that it's polished and ready to go
- Write/revise another 20 pages of VT
- Limit online time to 45 minutes Mon-Thurs, after all writing related stuff is done

Bonus Goals
- To organize email/writing folders
- To spend a couple hours reading...for pleasure, and for brain food.

That's pretty much it. Here we go!


TaraLeigh said...

LOL Love that you put some Cari time in your goals. ;)

20 pges of VT...we will get that badboy finished, dammit! LOL I know how you feel with putting a set of characters to bed. SERIOUSLY.

But girl--you are my hero if you can manage the 45mins thing! Gah!!



Kimberly Frost said...

Cari -

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your good wishes for Would-Be Witch. It means to the world to me to have readers!

Since I see that you're a writer yourself, I'm sending you positive creative vibes!

Have a great week!

Helen Hardt said...

You and Tara are cruising! Maybe I should try this weekly goal thing.

Amy Ruttan said...

You can do it!!

Reading for pleasure ... what's that? LOL.

Actually I lie, last week I spent the whole week just reading for pleasure. Something I hadn't done since, I can't remember when honestly.

I read the Twilight saga, and it was very relaxing. I feel refreshed now, now it's back to work.

Christina Phillips said...

Good luck with your goals this week, Cari! I think I'll have to start writing mine down... at the moment I only write them down AFTER I've accomplished them!! (it makes me feel good, as I can then immediately tick them off, although I have a feeling that might be cheating!!!)

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